Autism & ADD/ADHD

Do you think your child has symtoms of ADHD or Autism? If so, please come to Medicenter where we are trained in some of the newest techniques to helping behavior, gut issues and much more.

Autism and ADD/ADHD are both in the same spectrum of diseases. Some say they go hand-in-hand.

This is what experts are saying about Autism and ADD, “You cannot call autism a developmental disability or disorder; it is like calling a brain tumor a headache. “Autism” is merely one symptom of an underlying disease process that affects the immunological system, the gastrointestinal system and the toxicological system, as well as the neurological system.”

Root causes of Autism and ADHD—By Dr. Bock, M.D.

  1. Toxification of the brain and body with heavy metals, particularly mercury and lead.
  2. Toxification from childhood vaccinations containing thimerosal, especially when given to a child who is sick, or on antibiotics.
  3. Toxification from various environmental pollutants
  4. Nutritional deficits that impede detoxification and that impair neurotransmitter function.
  5. Food allergies, sensitivities, and intolerances that harm brain chemistry.
  6. Inflammation of the brain, particularly from autoimmunity that is related to streptococcal bacteria. This results in a disorder known as PANDAS
  7. In utero stressors, including environmental toxins, inoculations bacteria, viruses, nutritional deficiencies, and emotional stress.
  8. Thyroid disorders—most commonly low thyroid activity, resulting in impaired energy and cognitive function. A similar problem is autoimmune thyroid disorder.
  9. Presence of testosterone in males, which exacerbates toxification.

10. Genetic factors that contribute to all of these various assaults upon the nervous system, immune system, and gastrointestinal system.

Our highly trained staff (Doctors and Nutritionists) will help lead and guide you, to finding the root causes and assist your child in regaining their health. Call (907) 283-9118 now to schedule an appointment today!