08.06.2010 In the News No Comments

Varicose Veins hurt. Take care of them this July.

Dr. Carlson and the MediCenter have partnered up with Dr. Corey Johnson and Alaska Vein Care to take care of those suffering with varicose veins on the Kenai Peninsula. This July, Dr. Johnson will be here to offer FREE CONSULTS for those with varicose veins at the value of at least $1200.00. If together you decide that you are a good candidate for this non-invasive, outpatient treatment, he will schedule you for an ultrasound and Varicose Vein Treatment at the most affordable price in the State! We also accept payment plans. To find out more about this new cure for varicose veins, continue reading or simply go to www.alaskaveincare.com and then call us to schedule a free consultation. Space is limited and the next time he has scheduled to be here will be months away!

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08.06.2010 Functional Medicine Pearls No Comments

Dr. Carlson is thrilled to introduce new provider Bill Crawford PA-C to the Kenai!

William Crawford grew up in Kentucky and has always had a love for the outdoors. He loves fishing, hunting, photography, physical exercise, and most of all, spending time with his wife. He loves working with people, and his talent for doing so shows it clearly. He graduated from the US Army Physician Assistant Course in 1994 and completed his Emergency Medicine Residency in July of 1999. Since then he has held several positions, thoroughly training other Physician Assistants and treating patients of all kinds. He dedicated 23 years of his life serving his country in the Army in numerous places and conditions.

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10.03.2010 In the News 6 Comments

Suffering from Nueropathy, Try Laser Therapy

Do you suffer from Neuropathy? Do you have burning, tingling, pain or numbness in your hands or feet? You need to try our new state of the art Laser Therapy. The MediCenter is the only owner and operator of the all new Class Four Avicenna Laser in the entire state of Alaska. Typically, most of our patients see an improvement of 30% to 100% in reduced symptoms. Several patients report decreased sensitivity to hot and cold, ability to be on their feet for longer periods of time with little or no pain, decreased burning sensations, decreased numbness and tingling, decreased frequency and intensity of flare-ups and decreased amount of medication taken for symptoms.

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10.03.2010 Functional Medicine Pearls 2 Comments

Vitamin D – Not Just for Bone Health Anymore

Many health professionals are realizing that Vitamin D isn’t just for osteopenia or osteoporosis anymore. Vitamin D deficiency may precipitate or worsen muscle weakness, fractures, common cancers, autoimmune diseases, infectious diseases, and cardiovascular diseases. Researchers at University of California, Davis, published an exceptional piece of research on the Journal of Nutrition, addressing the fact that we are just not getting our D’s like we should be.

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05.03.2010 Functional Medicine Pearls 5 Comments

Eating Healthy

Here is an example wher you can plug in a bunch of information and see how it turns out. Make sure that you use the more tag to end the exerpt or it will list the whole thing on the front page. ;lkjas df;lkajsdf ;laksjdf ;aljkf ;lakjf ;aljksf ;alkjsf ;alkjsf ;alkdjf ;alkjf ;akjsf ;lakjf ;kaj f;lkajf ;alkfj potiuwpo ;lskjf lak;jsf ;lkj ie poij aspdoij poasidjf poij poij pasoijdf poij poij poijas pofdij pojpoij poi read more

05.03.2010 In the News 2 Comments



18.09.2009 Uncategorized 1 Comment

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